04 April 2008

The Crime of Serving Your Market

You know, you don't have to like malt liquor, or like how it's marketed, or buy into any stereotypes of what type of people tend to buy what type of legal products. You don't have to accept any of that. But what laws would you change or enact to solve the problem these researchers think they have discovered?

ST. PAUL—Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that malt liquor is more heavily promoted in black neighborhoods, and is also available in greater quantities and at lower prices in those areas.

In other news, there are more boats for sale in places where there are bodies of water in which to use them.

It found that low-income white, Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods didn't have similar access to malt liquor, which has a higher alcohol volume than beer.

I can't keep up with what the problem might be; are they upset because a white guy like me doesn't have the same access to malt liquor as other urban dwellers?

Associate professor Rhonda Jones-Webb says cheap access to malt liquor means it is easier for underage kids to obtain.

Well, that's only in liquor stores aren't checking customers' identification, or if those who legally buy it then illegally furnish it to minors, can and does happen everywhere. Do the authors of the study suggest that business in black neighborhoods don't follow the law, or that residents in black neighborhoods are more likely to furnish liquor to minors?

Its authors are hoping to provoke new public policy debates over whether beer companies are simply responding to market demand, or whether their promotion of malt liquor in black communities helps fuel social problems.

Obviously they are trying to provoke but the question remains; what laws need to be passes or am mended to satisfy the consciouses or the people worried about this? The types of people who like to provoke and pose such questions are the same ones who cannot predict the unintended outcomes of their hopelessly good intentions.

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